Your own cloud: Nextcloud optimization on a Synology DiskStation and DSM 6

Your own cloud: Nextcloud optimization on a Synology DiskStation and DSM 6

In my last article I wrote about installing Nextcloud on a DiskStation. After that, you should do some improvements, to ensure that Nextcloud is operating perfectly and to increase security. Also, there could be some error messages, depending on the runtime environment. This article explains the most common and important settings. Hint: This tutorial works also with […]

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Windows 8 shutdown – quick and easy

Windows 8 shutdown – quick and easy

Windows 8 is here. At least if you’ve an Dreamspark-Account or if you’ve tested the Release Candidate. All others will get it by end of the month. For those who have already worked with Windows 8 and searched for the shutdown button or are not satisfied by the standard solutions, here is a short “how […]

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